The Occupational, Safety & Health Department of KPJ Tawakkal KL Specialist invited us to give a talk on Moral Injury for selected members of the management and clinical team. Our Registered Counsellor, Kavilan explored the topic of Moral Injury for this segment. Moral Injury is the distressing psychological, behavioral, social, and sometimes spiritual aftermath of exposure to traumatic events. For example, during the pandemic, in a situation where the clinical team will have to choose who to treat and taking into account; shortages of medical supplies, insurance, and management were some of the factors that needed to be taken into consideration before making a decision. When individuals are confronted with a dilemma as such, they often question their belief system which leads to a growing phenomenon called Moral Injury. The feedback from this particular talk raised a lot of questions from the attendees to know more about moral injury even after the segment was over. Next Chapter would like to thank Ms Carolin, Head of the OSHA Department for the invitation.